Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oil and Gas: Bring it all into Minnesota Politics

On the 18th of April, House Minority Leader Marty Seifert has drummed up a brilliant political plan for the GOP. Pissed off that the Minnesota DFL managed to over-ride the (Republican) Governor's veto on a $.02 gas tax increase, he decided to drag the issue directly to the Minnesota citizens: At the gas pump.

A gasoline stations with small 10" video monitors turn on automatically once the pump is turned on. Currently, local meteorologists will do a quick run of the weather followed by a news anchor giving the customer a run-down of the news highlights. With the gasoline prices that are skyrocketing by thirty and forty cents, Representative Seiftert has added a fifteen second video that notes the high priced gasoline is because of the DFL's tax increase. The video allegedly will include naming each DFL representatives who voted for the measure.

Nasty, don't you think? Typical Republican: Don't blame corporate greed for high gas prices, blame the Democrats for a $.02/gallon gas tax!

...And to think; they were actually pissed off when the Dems blamed them for the I-35W Bridge collapse!

Now the DFL has come out against the GOP: Senator Norm Coleman.


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