Wednesday, April 30, 2008

..And then there's the Fox that isn't so ..."Smart".

From dKos:

Monday morning on "Fox and Friends" they decided to create some humor by having an office intern go looking for a video clip of the "Lincoln - Douglas" debates. (In case you're history is really rusty, that would be Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas - see photo at the right.) What they ended up on the screen was a side-by-side photo of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass, of the famed American abolitionist.

You can check it out yourself here...

Those are some smart folks over there at Fox, don't you think?!?

To make matters worse; one of their mooks was sent over to interview The Village Idiot in front of the White House. Not being able to chew gum and walk at the same time, the mook referenced the Oval Office as "the round room up there"...

Got them some smart ones over there at Fox, don't you think?!?


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