Did you wonder about the validity of Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos"? The objective, get Republican voters to the polls in Indiana to vote for Hillary Clinton as well as your own candidate. In Indiana, during the primaries, voters are allowed to register to vote for both parties; so why not?!
Limbaugh's "Pantloads" in Indiana went to work:
Isn't it fascinating to see the Republicans, who claim a moral superiority piety to their liberal counter-parts, yet reserve their right to make complete hypocrites of them selves.
Is there anybody left out there that credibly argues that radio host Rush Limbaugh, on the air in twelve Indiana media markets (plus Chicago, Louisville and Cincinnati, piping into Indiana), didn’t stir up 18,000 votes (about 1,500 per media market) - the margin of Pyrrhic victory - for Senator Clinton yesterday?

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