Travis Childers has been declared the winner in a special election for Mississippi's 1st Congressional District. Always in a rush to be first at everything, I ran over and checked Wikipedia and I made the changes and updated it to reflect the latest.
This marks three of the four Congressional Representatives for Mississippi as Democrats. And how did the race end?
- 80% of Precincts Reporting
Travis W. Childers (D): 51% (42995)
Greg Davis (R): 49% (41891)
Apparently, there aren't enough "conservatives" in Mississippi's 1st to pay attention!
This comes in a long string of losses for the Republican Party. On May 3rd, Louisiana's 6th CD held a special general election between Democrat Don Cazayoux and former Republican representatives Woody Jenkins. Cazayoux beat him handidly, turning the district over to the Democrats for the first time since 1975.
In March 2008 Bill Foster, a Democrat, took former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert's district in Illinois defeating Jim Oberweis by more than 11 points. With the exception of one term immediately following the Nixon Watergate investigation, this Illinois district has been held by the Republican Party for over 75 years. In 2006, Nick Lampson took Texas' 22 CD from Republican Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, a district held by Republicans for well over 20 years. The Republicans then, didn't feel there was anything to worry about that win, claiming then that it was just a fluke, or an oddity:
But many Republicans incumbents held on, and the state was hardly jumping on the national trend that saw voters turning against Bush and the war in Iraq. Exit polling showed a slight majority in Texas still approve of the president and the war.I think they've changed their tune since then.

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