Obama will still be short of the overall number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination, unless he were to suddenly receive an avalanche of endorsements from the party and elected officials known as superdelegates. But the Illinois senator's campaign is touting the delegate milestone as a big step in defeating his rival, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.
"A clear majority of elected delegates will send an unmistakable message — the people have spoken, and they are ready for change," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe wrote in a memo to supporters Monday.
"As we near victory in one contest, the next challenge is already heating up," Plouffe wrote. "President Bush and Senator McCain have begun coordinating their attacks on Barack Obama in an effort to extend their failed policies for a third term."
Senator Obama also picked up Super Delegate endorsement from the longest ever serving Senator, Robert Byrd (D-WV). Senator Byrd. In a direct slap in the face at his fellow West Virginians, Senator Byrd said:
This Democratic primary campaign has been tough and competitive. I had no intention of involving myself in the Democratic campaign for President in the midst of West Virginia's primary election. But the stakes this November could not be higher.
After a great deal of thought, consideration and prayer over the situation in Iraq, I have decided that, as a superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention, I will cast my vote for Senator Barack Obama for President. Both Senators Clinton and Obama are extraordinary individuals, whose integrity, honor, love for this country and strong belief in our Constitution I deeply respect.
Nicely said! In addition to Senator Byrd's Super-delegate endorsement, Senator Obama picked up two Alaskan Super-delegates Cindy Spanyers and Blake Johnson as well as the endorsement of multi-billionaire Warren Buffet.
Yesterday, Senator Obama spoke to a crowed estimated to be over 70,000 in Oregon, the largest draw of interest in his campaign thus far.

Meanwhile, Senator Hillary Clinton spent her weekend and all day today, campaigning in Kentucky. Her crowds have dwindled from tens of thousands to "thousands", which are about the size of crowds John McCain has been drawing since the beginning of his campaign. While stomping through the Blue Grass State, she said she was please that she "had the whole state to herself". Yesterday, while in Bowling Green, Pastor Paul Fryman of the State Street United Methodist Church delivered a sermon that seemed to wipe the grin off her face and contemplate a sober reminder:
The reading was from the book of Matthew.
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Pastor Paul Fryman then delivered a sermon about the temptation from thoughts of lust and adultery.
"Have you ever listened to the Devil whispering over your shoulder?" he asked his church members. "I think you have."
Clinton listened as Fryman preached that such thoughts might fly into one's mind like a scattering of birds.
"Too often with those thoughts, we let them create nests in our minds," said Pastor Fryman.
"You will let those birds fly around, but do not let them nest in your mind."
"What do you allow to nest in your mind? Be careful this week."
Ouch! Poor Hillary! I heard that someone from Barack Obama's team called Pastor Fryman a few days before and paid him off to preach that message. Or maybe not.
Meanwhile, on the Republican side of politics, Georgia's GOP Chairwoman and freakshow Sue Everhart committed blasphemy in her respect for Senator John McCain. Said Ms. Everhart right before God Almighty struck her down with a bolt of lightning:
Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart said Saturday that the party's presumed presidential nominee has a lot in common with Jesus Christ.
"John McCain is kind of like Jesus Christ on the cross," Everhart said as she began the second day of the state GOP convention. "He never denounced God, either."
...after that was said, lightning struck the ground all around her, she turned into a pillar of salt and the rest of Georgia was bombed with fire and brimstone until it was no more... Hearing that news, Hillary Clinton's campaign staff conceded that the number of Super and pledged delegates would have to be lowered since Georgia no longer exists. But I digress.
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