Thursday, May 22, 2008

News that makes me laugh

Admire this guy's arrogance?

You've heard his commercials and you've felt compelled to sucker into it and give him some cash?

The punchline: He's getting sued...

Now, LifeLock customers in Maryland, New Jersey and West Virginia are suing Davis, claiming his service didn't work as promised and he knew it wouldn't, because the service had failed even him.

Some guy in Texas wrote down Todd Davis' SSN and convinced a loan officer to give him some money, proving once again that the credit system in this country is a disaster and Todd Davis is an arrogant prick. It serves him right to get sued.

You think this country is ready for an overhaul on the credit system, yet?!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama expected to meet delegate count tomorrow!

The Associated Press is predicting that Sen Barack Obama will have a majority of all the pledged delegates at stake in all of the primaries and caucuses.

Obama will still be short of the overall number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination, unless he were to suddenly receive an avalanche of endorsements from the party and elected officials known as superdelegates. But the Illinois senator's campaign is touting the delegate milestone as a big step in defeating his rival, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

"A clear majority of elected delegates will send an unmistakable message — the people have spoken, and they are ready for change," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe wrote in a memo to supporters Monday.

"As we near victory in one contest, the next challenge is already heating up," Plouffe wrote. "President Bush and Senator McCain have begun coordinating their attacks on Barack Obama in an effort to extend their failed policies for a third term."

Senator Obama also picked up Super Delegate endorsement from the longest ever serving Senator, Robert Byrd (D-WV). Senator Byrd. In a direct slap in the face at his fellow West Virginians, Senator Byrd said:

This Democratic primary campaign has been tough and competitive. I had no intention of involving myself in the Democratic campaign for President in the midst of West Virginia's primary election. But the stakes this November could not be higher.

After a great deal of thought, consideration and prayer over the situation in Iraq, I have decided that, as a superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention, I will cast my vote for Senator Barack Obama for President. Both Senators Clinton and Obama are extraordinary individuals, whose integrity, honor, love for this country and strong belief in our Constitution I deeply respect.

Nicely said! In addition to Senator Byrd's Super-delegate endorsement, Senator Obama picked up two Alaskan Super-delegates Cindy Spanyers and Blake Johnson as well as the endorsement of multi-billionaire Warren Buffet.

Yesterday, Senator Obama spoke to a crowed estimated to be over 70,000 in Oregon, the largest draw of interest in his campaign thus far.

Pastor Paul Fryman

Meanwhile, Senator Hillary Clinton spent her weekend and all day today, campaigning in Kentucky. Her crowds have dwindled from tens of thousands to "thousands", which are about the size of crowds John McCain has been drawing since the beginning of his campaign. While stomping through the Blue Grass State, she said she was please that she "had the whole state to herself". Yesterday, while in Bowling Green, Pastor Paul Fryman of the State Street United Methodist Church delivered a sermon that seemed to wipe the grin off her face and contemplate a sober reminder:

The reading was from the book of Matthew.

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Pastor Paul Fryman then delivered a sermon about the temptation from thoughts of lust and adultery.

"Have you ever listened to the Devil whispering over your shoulder?" he asked his church members. "I think you have."

Clinton listened as Fryman preached that such thoughts might fly into one's mind like a scattering of birds.

"Too often with those thoughts, we let them create nests in our minds," said Pastor Fryman.

"You will let those birds fly around, but do not let them nest in your mind."

"What do you allow to nest in your mind? Be careful this week."

Ouch! Poor Hillary! I heard that someone from Barack Obama's team called Pastor Fryman a few days before and paid him off to preach that message. Or maybe not.

Meanwhile, on the Republican side of politics, Georgia's GOP Chairwoman and freakshow Sue Everhart committed blasphemy in her respect for Senator John McCain. Said Ms. Everhart right before God Almighty struck her down with a bolt of lightning:

Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart said Saturday that the party's presumed presidential nominee has a lot in common with Jesus Christ.

"John McCain is kind of like Jesus Christ on the cross," Everhart said as she began the second day of the state GOP convention. "He never denounced God, either."

...after that was said, lightning struck the ground all around her, she turned into a pillar of salt and the rest of Georgia was bombed with fire and brimstone until it was no more... Hearing that news, Hillary Clinton's campaign staff conceded that the number of Super and pledged delegates would have to be lowered since Georgia no longer exists. But I digress.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Broken: The (Republican) Eleventh Commandment

It's a long held tradition that certain rules apply for all Republicans, such as the rule: "Have as many adulterous affairs as you like, just so long as you don't get caught". Or this one: "Shopping for gay sex in airports and city parks' restrooms are fine! Homosexuality and methamphetamine usage is actually okay too, just don't get caught." Or this one; "Public displays of indecency and public drunkeness are bonafide sins of the flesh, unless you're a pastor and have a radio show."

But the one sin that is never allowed to be committed under the big BIG Republican tent is: "Never...Ever speak ill of another Republican." And Mississippi's 1CD Special Election has marked the event where it is now not only okay to speak ill of another Republican, but cannibalism is now apparently allowed as well.

Redstate is blaming Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) and Chairman of the NRCC is their logical choice.

Conservatives have been voicing their frustration with NRCC Chairman Tom Cole for more than a year. In fact, it was last May when Cole shocked conservatives with this outrageous quote in the Washington Post regarding the 2006 election losses: "Oh, I don't think the problem was spending. People who argue that we lost because we weren't true to our base, that's just wrong."

Over the course of the past year, the NRCC has been rocked with a major financial scandal, lackluster fundraising and a rash of retirements. Now the committee is facing the prospect that it can't even win in a Mississippi district that gave President Bush 62% of the vote in 2004 or a Louisiana seat that the GOP has held for more than three decades.

Cole doesn't deserve the blame for all that went wrong in the three special elections. But as the chairman of the GOP's congressional campaign arm, he does have to take responsibility. And the responsible thing for him to do is pass the torch to someone new.

Nice, huh?! The Republican President of the United States of America has had his poll numbers in the toilet tank since October of 2006 - but it's Tom Cole they're going to blame.

Fox News' X-Favorite political whore, Michelle Malkin went on the attack with Congressman John Boehner, (OH-8th) and Republican Minority Leader:

Because GOP House leader John Boehner’s latest press release tonight on the Mississippi special election loss just made me lose my late-night snack.

--said Malkin. She goes on to quote a Time Magazine piece that published Boehner's reaction to the Mississipp loss:

The results in MS-01 should serve as a wake-up call to Republican candidates nationwide. As I’ve said before, this is a change election, and if we want Americans to vote for us we have to convince them that we can fix Washington. Our presidential nominee, Senator McCain, is an agent of change; candidates who hope to succeed must show that they’re willing and able to join McCain in a leading movement for reform.

“We need to stop wasteful Washington spending, fight and win the war on terror, and stop the largest tax increase in history. That is truly the change the American people deserve — and that is a message on which we can succeed.”

Malkin finished by mocking the GOP with:
How much “change” did these feckless Beltway Republicans spend on the high-priced consultants who have turned them into Obama wannabes?
...and to include a jab with an old Saturday Night Live skit:

Saturday Night Live - First CityWide Change Bank 2

Of the Power Line Blog fame, their gripe was the GOP's brand-name and how damaged it is for public suckage:

As in all of these recent Republican defeats, analysts will be able to point to factors unique to the particular race. But my takeaway is that the Republican brand is in such bad shape that the Dems can win virtually anywhere if they nominate a candidate whose position on key issues is, or can be made to seem, close to that of the Republican.
Unfortunately for the GOP, arrogance and phrases like "Pride goeth before the fall" have no meaning in their life. They've been spitting on the Democrats and patronizing them long before this Bush Oil War and $3.40, err...$3.50, err... $3.79 a gallon gasoline prices.

Does anybody remember the tax breaks the GOP gave to people who would go out and buy those monster sized gas-guzzling SUV's? And so they all ran out and bought the biggest SUV they could find and then they ran back and called their CPA's to double-check and make sure they would get the write-offs they "desperately so deserved"... Sucks to be them today, huh?!

John Hawkins of Right Wing News fame threw out the entire GOP leadership, including der Führer; George W. Bush himself.

Let me add that it's too bad that the Republican leadership in the House may end up on the chopping block over these losses because from what I've seen, they're pretty much the only "Republican leaders" in DC who can find their own *sses with both hands. Yet, even when they do a good job, it seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the screw-ups of Bush / McCain / the Senate / the RNC, etc.
Nice one, huh? An ass-chewing with bad-language!

Did you notice nobody blamed the Bush Administration for sending their worst possible leader down to Mississippi to campaign for the guy?

When the Republicans made the bizarre decision this week to send Vice President Dick Cheney into Mississippi to campaign for Davis, Childers objected to Davis inviting "Big Oil's best friend, Dick Cheney, to North Mississippi" and linked Cheney's candidate to "the skyrocketing cost of gas."

Oddly, not one of them blamed themselves.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MS 1st CD: Travis W. Childers Wins... Happy to do my part...

Travis Childers has been declared the winner in a special election for Mississippi's 1st Congressional District. Always in a rush to be first at everything, I ran over and checked Wikipedia and I made the changes and updated it to reflect the latest.
This marks three of the four Congressional Representatives for Mississippi as Democrats. And how did the race end?

UPDATE: dKos notes a political ad that ran in Mississippi by the GOP there. The ad, wraps (Liberal) Barack Obama, Reverend Wright and Obama's rural "guns and God" comment around Chlders' neck. The final tag-line: "Conservatives just can't trust Childers".

Apparently, there aren't enough "conservatives" in Mississippi's 1st to pay attention!

This comes in a long string of losses for the Republican Party. On May 3rd, Louisiana's 6th CD held a special general election between Democrat Don Cazayoux and former Republican representatives Woody Jenkins. Cazayoux beat him handidly, turning the district over to the Democrats for the first time since 1975.

In March 2008 Bill Foster, a Democrat, took former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert's district in Illinois defeating Jim Oberweis by more than 11 points. With the exception of one term immediately following the Nixon Watergate investigation, this Illinois district has been held by the Republican Party for over 75 years. In 2006, Nick Lampson took Texas' 22 CD from Republican Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, a district held by Republicans for well over 20 years. The Republicans then, didn't feel there was anything to worry about that win, claiming then that it was just a fluke, or an oddity:

But many Republicans incumbents held on, and the state was hardly jumping on the national trend that saw voters turning against Bush and the war in Iraq. Exit polling showed a slight majority in Texas still approve of the president and the war.
I think they've changed their tune since then.

A toast! And a welcome to our newest member of Congress to sit in a Blue Chair in Washington DC.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos": Ditto-Head #1

Did you wonder about the validity of Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos"? The objective, get Republican voters to the polls in Indiana to vote for Hillary Clinton as well as your own candidate. In Indiana, during the primaries, voters are allowed to register to vote for both parties; so why not?!

Limbaugh's "Pantloads" in Indiana went to work:

Is there anybody left out there that credibly argues that radio host Rush Limbaugh, on the air in twelve Indiana media markets (plus Chicago, Louisville and Cincinnati, piping into Indiana), didn’t stir up 18,000 votes (about 1,500 per media market) - the margin of Pyrrhic victory - for Senator Clinton yesterday?
Isn't it fascinating to see the Republicans, who claim a moral superiority piety to their liberal counter-parts, yet reserve their right to make complete hypocrites of them selves.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Take Action Now: CISPES

From May 5-9 CISPES chapters around the country are taking action to denounce U.S. government inquiries into the work of CISPES and to raise awareness about the U.S. role in ongoing human rights abuses and problems leading up to the 2009 elections in El Salvador.
In January CISPES received a letter from the Department of Justice saying that the U.S. government suspects the organization of being an “agent of a foreign principal”, which would require CISPES to register under the “Foreign Agent Registration Act.” The justification was a claim that the leftist FMLN party in El Salvador had hired CISPES to do public relations and fundraising support for its presidential campaign in the U.S., but little credible evidence was provided. You can read more about the CISPES DoJ case here.

Bush and the right-wing Salvadoran ARENA party want to stop CISPES from providing effective solidarity. We understand that this threat is meant to frighten us into changing the nature of our work, such as our campaign against the US-sponsored International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), against the draconian Salvadoran anti-terrorism law, and in favor of the right to free and fair elections in El Salvador. They want to make us think twice about standing with the FMLN as a leading opponent of US dominance in Latin America. While we take the government’s threat seriously, we have no intention of toning down our solidarity work.

Please take a moment to defend CISPES’ solidarity work by denouncing the government’s attempts to stop our organizing efforts! Organize and join CISPES’ work against the ILEA, which has brought further human rights abuses to El Salvador! Speak out against the anti-terrorist law, which is targeting and criminalizing the social movement! Demand free and fair elections in El Salvador! Your action is critical in defending the right to organize, in solidarity with those who are struggling to have REAL democracy in El Salvador.

To use an old AIDS axiom: Silence = Death


dKos: Still no Lake County (Indiana)

I'm watching tonight's primaries in NC and Indiana. It's a huge nail-biter. err... Well, now that I've taken a second look, it would appear I no longer have any nails to bite.

Shamelessly plagiarized from dKos:


72 percent reporting

% Dels
Clinton 52 15
Obama 48 11

Vote margin: 42,350

North Carolina (Winner: Obama)

46 percent reporting

% Dels
Obama 57 20
Clinton 41 13

That's 16K votes Obama has shaved off Clinton's lead in the last 15%. And still no Lake County (Gary) on the left. Perdue University, Tippecanoe County on the right still missing. HRC is ahead by less than 37,000. MSNBC is saying Lake County will be updated at 9:00PM CST.

Maps courtesy of Wiki of course.

I wonder if I can still reach my toenails with my teeth?!


IN & NC Primaries: Fox News talks classism, elitism

From Joshua Micah Marshall over at Talking Points Memo:

But that isn't enough to make themselves look like total jackasses, they continue to ramble on with their stupidity on "working class", "lower class" and how good their jobs are...

It's stunning these folks have jobs themselves....


Hillary: Tear...Down...That OPEC Cartel..!!

She's loosing her nut! No - wait... She's already lost her nut! Senator Clinton talking almost exactly like George Bush by playing cowboy cowgirl and promises to bust up the OPEC Cartel:

She preaches on:

"We’re going to go right at OPEC," she said. "They can no longer be a cartel, a monopoly that get together once every couple of months in some conference room in some plush place in the world, they decide how much oil they’re going to produce and what price they’re going to put it at," she told a crowd at a firehouse in Merrillville, IN.

"That’s not a market. That’s a monopoly," she said, saying she'd use anti-trust law and the World Trade Organization to take on OPEC.

At first she scrambled around trying to look like McCain on a "Gas Tax Holiday", hoping Americans would pee in their bloomers with the excitement of saving $35.00 this summer, but that didn't work.

Obama hasn't fallen asleep at the wheel either. Team Obama jumped at her cowboy politics by noting she failed to sign-on to a bill banning to make oil-producing and exporting cartels illegal.

Clinton, returning to playing defense on her position, quickly noted that she did support Sen Kohl's NOPEC proposal in a 2007 Senate bill. Point to note: Kohl's NOPEC bill goes as far back as 2001 and has collected dust until the Republicans were kicked out of Congress in '06.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Peacetrain the picture and stuff....


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Brothers & Sisters: First Same-Sex Marriage Proposal on American Television?

Tonight's episode of ABC's Brother's & Sisters discusses a few sensitive subjects that face all GLBT people:

  • Coming Out of the Closet at a mature age
  • Same sex marriage proposals
The Walker Family faced a crisis with Ojai Foods when Sarah takes the fall for Uncle Saul's mistake on a major investment. The investment went bad, which lead to hurt feelings between Sarah and her mother Norah, as well as between Saul and the rest of the family.

Meanwhile, Kevin is falling in love with Scotty to the point of making a fool of himself. The script is brilliant by noting the normalcy between gay and lesbian couples by Scotty being flattered by Kevin pressured promises like changing the lightbulbs to the environmentally-friendly kind.

Strange bed-fellows indeed: Getting out of the financial trouble Sarah has dragged the family into, her younger brother Tommy and her father's mistress Holly have offered to help. Norah, along with Sarah are stunned to realize the offer is that Walker Landing, Tommy's vinyard, will absorb Ojai Foods as a means of expanding their own company. The merger leaves Tommy as CEO of Walkers Landing and Sarah as CEO of Ojai Foods, however Holly is left has Chairwoman of the board striking the final vote in any despited decision. This rubs Norah Walker out of Ojai Foods by reducing her to little more than a disengaged bystander to a company she partnered with her husband to build.

Later, Saul approaches Norah and explains that he's the true culprit in the business deal gone bad. Saul underestimates his own self-interests as he realizes Norah's anger that was leveled against Sarah. Uncle Saul disappears from the scene while Justin, the youngest Walker struggles with his feelings of affection towards Rebecca, his alleged half-sister. He doesn't know that the paternity tests came back negative and that Rebecca isn't related to him at all. She's actually lied to him, deciding to risk loosing her new family and the love she's developed for each of them, rather than explain that she's not related to them at all.

A phone call at the end of the day and it's Kevin's phone that rings. It's Uncle Saul, and Kevin needs to pick him up at the police station. Kevin signs the necessary paperwork and joins Uncle Saul in his car. Uncle Saul breaks down in tears and tells Kevin that he is indeed gay. Uncle Saul mourns the loss of all the years he's wasted pretending to be straight and wants those years back. With all that he's ruined for his nieces and nephews as well as is his sister Norah, Uncle Saul drowns his problems into a bottle and rams his car into a tree while drunk.

The car accident becomes a brilliant parable to GLBT life. The costs of living in fear of what others think or caring what they think about you in exchange of even considering what you think of your ownself! Dismissing your own self worth value in exchange of fearing rejection from your family leaves such a person feeling like they've cheated their own selves like an "empty shirt". Or, in Uncle Saul's case: A very stupid banged up car and a slightly injured tree.

Emotionally exhausted, Kevin returns home to Scotty. Scotty took the incentive on his own and changed all of those environmentally friendly lightbulbs and Kevin returns to his second childhood falling in love all over again. He explains his day to Scotty; business proposals for Ojai Foods and Walkers Landing, Uncle Saul being the one to blame for the mess, Uncle Saul's DUI and finally, Uncle Saul coming out to himself and admitting for the first time that he is gay.

Our episode hero is Kevin: He falls to the ground on one knee and tells Scotty that he wants to be married.

"I love everything about you" Kevin said. "Even the things I hate about you, I love. Please Scotty, will you marry me?"

Scotty joins Kevin on the floor and with both on their knees, Scotty cries out:

Of course I'll marry you..!

And then they kiss...full on the lips and full in lip-lock. And every gay man in America cried, and cheered them on!

Hooray for Kevin and Scotty! Three cheers for Brothers & Sisters!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

..And then there's the Fox that isn't so ..."Smart".

From dKos:

Monday morning on "Fox and Friends" they decided to create some humor by having an office intern go looking for a video clip of the "Lincoln - Douglas" debates. (In case you're history is really rusty, that would be Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas - see photo at the right.) What they ended up on the screen was a side-by-side photo of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass, of the famed American abolitionist.

You can check it out yourself here...

Those are some smart folks over there at Fox, don't you think?!?

To make matters worse; one of their mooks was sent over to interview The Village Idiot in front of the White House. Not being able to chew gum and walk at the same time, the mook referenced the Oval Office as "the round room up there"...

Got them some smart ones over there at Fox, don't you think?!?


Lesbians being sued by ... Lesbians!

From AP News via Yahoo:

--Nicholas Paphitis

A Greek court has been asked to draw the line between the natives of the Aegean Sea island of Lesbos and the world's gay women.

Three islanders from Lesbos --”home of the ancient poet Sappho, who praised love between women--” have taken a gay rights group to court for using the word lesbian in its name.

One of the plaintiffs said Wednesday that the name of the association, Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece, "insults the identity" of the people of Lesbos, who are also known as Lesbians.

"My sister can't say she is a Lesbian," said Dimitris Lambrou. "Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos," he said.

The three plaintiffs are seeking to have the group barred from using "lesbian" in its name and filed a lawsuit on April 10. The other two plaintiffs are women.

Also called Mytilene, after its capital, Lesbos is famed as the birthplace of Sappho. The island is a favored holiday destination for gay women, particularly the lyric poet's reputed home town of Eressos.

"This is not an aggressive act against gay women," Lambrou said. "Let them visit Lesbos and get married and whatever they like. We just want (the group) to remove the word lesbian from their title."

He said the plaintiffs targeted the group because it is the only officially registered gay group in Greece to use the word lesbian in its name. The case will be heard in an Athens court on June 10.

Sappho lived from the late 7th to the early 6th century B.C. and is considered one of the greatest poets of antiquity. Many of her poems, written in the first person and intended to be accompanied by music, contain passionate references to love for other women.

Lambrou said the word lesbian has only been linked with gay women in the past few decades. "But we have been Lesbians for thousands of years," said Lambrou, who publishes a small magazine on ancient Greek religion and technology that frequently criticizes the Christian Church.

Very little is known of Sappho's life. According to some ancient accounts, she was an aristocrat who married a rich merchant and had a daughter with him.
One tradition says that she killed herself by jumping off a cliff over an unhappy love affair.

Lambrou says Sappho was not gay. "But even if we assume she was, how can 250,000 people of Lesbian descent — including women — be considered homosexual?"

The Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece could not be reached for comment.

Nice! What a bunch of jerks....

As a Minnesotan, I don't like being a "mud duck". But I don't think those Chedderheads from Wisconsin are gonna stop calling me that anytime soon....


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Governor Charlie Crist gets a wife: Nobody knew..

I found this amusing out of Americablog: Governor Crist is married?! For anybody not up to date with their politics, Charlie Crist is one of the GOP's most popular gay allegedly gay politicians. From Express Gay News 10/06:

Max Linn, the Reform Party candidate for governor, went on an Orlando radio show in September and blurted it out loud: He said he would “swear on a stack of Bibles that Crist is gay.” Linn followed up that appearance by going on WFTL radio on Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day, and urging Crist to come out of the closet.

But in January 05, then Attorney General Crist was on a talk-radio show in Miami where he tripped all over himself with the "gay debate" by saying:
When the single 48-year-old was asked, "Are you a homo?" by the announcer, Crist responded, "No, man. No. I love women. I mean, they're wonderful,'' before going on to suggest that he's very blessed for having, uh, something special that helps him to attract the opposite sex.
Crist left the radio station and then called from his cell phone only moments later to double-check and clarify that he really truly was not gay...

And then there's that weird Gay Republican story about Jason Wetherington who claims to have carried a long term relationship with both Charlie Crist and Mark Foley

Nothing weirdly wrong with any of that...really. To clarify, Charlie Crist was actually married once; for seven months. But now he's governor of Florida and he's on the short-list for John McCain's Pick of the Veep slot and he's gotta "Hetero It Up" a wee-bit. Enter Governor Crist and his "new" beard wife..."Whats-Her-Name" at last weekend's White House Correspondents Dinner after-party photos:

Photo Shot #1:
Charlie Crist, governor of Florida, right, and his wife attend an afterparty hosted by Bloomberg LP following the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 26, 2008.
Photo Shot #2:
Charlie Crist, governor of Florida, and his wife arrive for an afterparty hosted by Bloomberg LP following the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 26, 2008.
This is what we need in an election! We can always hope the Republicans win in November and we'll have catapulted the first Gay Man into the Vice President's seat in American history.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kinky crop circles or more Larry Craig shenanigans?

Just when you thought the self-loathing homophobia would stop for the folks in Idaho, something else...err... "Pops up".

A giant sized crop-circle has appeared on the front lawn of the governors' mansion in Boise, Idaho sometime last summer. Grounds keepers have tried everything including covering it up with a huge tarp hoping to kill all the grass around it, but nothing works. The giant-sized penis will not fade away.

From Right Wing Pundits:

Seeing as how its Idaho, they still haven’t fixed it. Now, I really don’t know that much about Idaho, but it seems like most places would have called in the national guard to get a penis off the governors property! Especially a 60 foot penis erected right on a main highway in plain sight for everyone to see. But in Idaho they said something like, ‘Well, the snow will cover it over the winter and we’ll fix it next spring’. Something like that. I understand their reasoning behind the cold, but in this case it didn’t shrink the penis because it was still there waiting pop right back out as soon as the snow melted.

In their defense, the grounds keepers just can’t seem to beat the giant penis. They tried to cover it with a tarp for a while. Before the tarp they tried to replant the grass in the penile area, but the new green grass in the outline of the penis just made it stand out more. That’s when the tarp went over it. Then the snow did cover it so they didn’t worry about it over the winter. But now that its spring the big ol’ penis is getting on everybody’s nerves. The neighbors are complaining. You know how neighbors can be.

So the Idahoans have decided to do something about the giant penis now that its has been pointing the way to the governor’s mansion for almost a year. I really think they wanted everybody to get a chance to see it before it was taken away. You know, like snow sculptures.

Idaho authorities are blaming it on teenagers. It IS pretty sophomoric so it could have been teens. It could be a way too obvious attempt to make up for feelings of inadequacy on the part of whoever put it there. I don’t think it was that though because Senator Larry Craig was in the restroom at the time. I’m opting for aliens myself. This is too similar to the crop circles to be a coincidence.
US Senator Larry Craig's office could not be reached for comment. However, it appears to be new understanding what Senator Craig meant when he said he had a "wide stance".


Friday, April 25, 2008

McCain: Women are uneducated and untrained

Senator John McCain, desperately trying to sound like the dumbest candidate running for President, has slipped into it again. This time he's fired up women's groups everywhere demanding an apology for sexist comments he's made in relation to Lilly Ledetter Fair Play Act. From my own emailbox:

Dear EnK,
This week our members hit the phones to call on their senators to enact the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. On Wednesday, we came close but fell three senators short of the 60 necessary to force a vote.

As disappointed as I was by the result, I was even more upset when I came across a news report regarding the reaction of Senator John McCain, who failed even to show up for the vote.

McCain said the gap between the pay of women and men in this country isn't due to discrimination. Women just need more "education and training" to earn as much as men.

Tell Senator McCain that what women need is equal justice under the law.

Lilly Ledbetter worked 19 years at Goodyear before she learned the men at her level were earning far more for the same work. She sued, and stood up for inequality by taking her case all the way to the Supreme Court—where five male justices ruled her claim invalid because she filed it more than 180 days after the discrimination started. Now, Senator McCain is blocking a vote on legislation to correct this injustice—and in the process, he seems willing to roll back 50 years of women's rights.

Sign our petition asking Senator McCain to take back his sexist statements and stop blocking this crucial vote.

Another vote will be called soon, possibly within days. If we can stop senators like John McCain from blocking a vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the bill, which has already passed the House, will surely pass the Senate as well. I'm asking all my friends to stand up for the rights of women in the workplace. I hope you will, too.

Signed by CREEDO's CEO herself!

I think Senator McCain represents the female voters of Arizona well don't you? He's essentially explained that the women in his state are untrained and uneducated, so why should they get equal pay? And he's absolutely right! Why should employers pay their employees for what they're not trained in doing? If they're uneducated, they shouldn't get the same pay as those who got their education. And the same goes for our legislators; if you can't represent your district with the respect they deserve, then you shouldn't get paid for the time you're up there "representin'!"


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oil and Gas: Bring it all into Minnesota Politics

On the 18th of April, House Minority Leader Marty Seifert has drummed up a brilliant political plan for the GOP. Pissed off that the Minnesota DFL managed to over-ride the (Republican) Governor's veto on a $.02 gas tax increase, he decided to drag the issue directly to the Minnesota citizens: At the gas pump.

A gasoline stations with small 10" video monitors turn on automatically once the pump is turned on. Currently, local meteorologists will do a quick run of the weather followed by a news anchor giving the customer a run-down of the news highlights. With the gasoline prices that are skyrocketing by thirty and forty cents, Representative Seiftert has added a fifteen second video that notes the high priced gasoline is because of the DFL's tax increase. The video allegedly will include naming each DFL representatives who voted for the measure.

Nasty, don't you think? Typical Republican: Don't blame corporate greed for high gas prices, blame the Democrats for a $.02/gallon gas tax!

...And to think; they were actually pissed off when the Dems blamed them for the I-35W Bridge collapse!

Now the DFL has come out against the GOP: Senator Norm Coleman.


3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree


EnK Stain

Monday, April 21, 2008

Michael Moore: Not going to vote for Hillary, I guess!

In a piece titled: My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) ...
Michael Moore has posted a rather vapid piece on his website that puts the "urge" in the word scourge.

Moore throws a rant like I've rarely seen aimed directly at Hillary Clinton for an unusual moment in last week's debates in Philadelphia. I heard it as well and I'm sure others did too. She runs a list of names of people of "ill repute" and points to Obama's associations with them and among the list, she included Louis Farrakhan's name. Odd, because there is no association between the two men aside from their ethnicity. And this is what brings on the scourge.

Moore states:

Well, that sounded good last year, but over the past two months, the actions and words of Hillary Clinton have gone from being merely disappointing to downright disgusting. I guess the debate last week was the final straw. I've watched Senator Clinton and her husband play this game of appealing to the worst side of white people, but last Wednesday, when she hurled the name "Farrakhan" out of nowhere, well that's when the silly season came to an early end for me. She said the "F" word to scare white people, pure and simple. Of course, Obama has no connection to Farrakhan. But, according to Senator Clinton, Obama's pastor does -- AND the "church bulletin" once included a Los Angeles Times op-ed from some guy with Hamas! No, not the church bulletin!

This sleazy attempt to smear Obama was brilliantly explained the following night by Stephen Colbert. He pointed out that if Obama is supported by Ted Kennedy, who is Catholic, and the Catholic Church is led by a Pope who was in the Hitler Youth, that can mean only one thing: OBAMA LOVES HITLER!

Moore then goes on in for the jugular:

Yes, Senator Clinton, that's how you sounded. Like you were nuts. Like you were a bigot stoking the fires of stupidity. How sad that I would ever have to write those words about you. You have devoted your life to good causes and good deeds. And now to throw it all away for an office you can't win unless you smear the black man so much that the superdelegates cry "Uncle (Tom)" and give it all to you.


How sad for a country that wanted to see the first woman elected to the White House. That day will come -- but it won't be you. We'll have to wait for the current Democratic governor of Kansas to run in 2016 (you read it here first!).

After a short amount of time discussing subjects like "electability" and Clinton's vote for the Iraq War, Moore finishes with:

But the question I keep hearing is... 'can he win? Can he win in November?' In the distance we hear the siren of the death train called the Straight Talk Express. We know it's possible to hear the words "President McCain" on January 20th. We know there are still many Americans who will never vote for a black man. Hillary knows it, too. She's counting on it.

I can't say I disagree with him. Clinton's tactic is right out of Jesse Helms' playbook when he ran against Harvey Gantt in 1990. I helped the Gantt Campaign and it was run like a well oiled machine. Up to about three weeks before the voters went to the ballot, Jesse Helms ran television ads of retouched photos of Gantt's skin color with fear mongering insinuations that a black man couldn't be trusted as a US Senator.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

The DNC has released their first television ad of the Presidential season. It's a 30-second short listening to McCain sounding positive about the country while showing negative stats related to unemployment, inflation, gas prices and the economy.

Clean, nice... I like it! It's going to be a slug-fest for the GOP.