It's a long held tradition that certain rules apply for all Republicans, such as the rule: "Have as many adulterous affairs as you like, just so long as you don't get caught". Or this one: "Shopping for gay sex in airports and city parks' restrooms are fine! Homosexuality and methamphetamine usage is actually okay too, just don't get caught." Or this one; "Public displays of indecency and public drunkeness are bonafide sins of the flesh, unless you're a pastor and have a radio show."
But the one sin that is never allowed to be committed under the big BIG Republican tent is: "Never...Ever speak ill of another Republican." And Mississippi's 1CD Special Election has marked the event where it is now not only okay to speak ill of another Republican, but cannibalism is now apparently allowed as well.
Redstate is blaming Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) and Chairman of the NRCC is their logical choice.
Conservatives have been voicing their frustration with NRCC Chairman Tom Cole for more than a year. In fact, it was last May when Cole shocked conservatives with this outrageous quote in the Washington Post regarding the 2006 election losses: "Oh, I don't think the problem was spending. People who argue that we lost because we weren't true to our base, that's just wrong." Over the course of the past year, the NRCC has been rocked with a major financial scandal, lackluster fundraising and a rash of retirements. Now the committee is facing the prospect that it can't even win in a Mississippi district that gave President Bush 62% of the vote in 2004 or a Louisiana seat that the GOP has held for more than three decades.
Cole doesn't deserve the blame for all that went wrong in the three special elections. But as the chairman of the GOP's congressional campaign arm, he does have to take responsibility. And the responsible thing for him to do is pass the torch to someone new.
Nice, huh?! The Republican President of the United States of America has had his poll numbers in the toilet tank since October of 2006 - but it's Tom Cole they're going to blame.
Fox News' X-Favorite political whore,
Michelle Malkin went on the attack with
Congressman John Boehner, (OH-8th) and Republican Minority Leader:
Because GOP House leader John Boehner’s latest press release tonight on the Mississippi special election loss just made me lose my late-night snack.
--said Malkin. She goes on to quote a
Time Magazine piece that published Boehner's reaction to the Mississipp loss:
The results in MS-01 should serve as a wake-up call to Republican candidates nationwide. As I’ve said before, this is a change election, and if we want Americans to vote for us we have to convince them that we can fix Washington. Our presidential nominee, Senator McCain, is an agent of change; candidates who hope to succeed must show that they’re willing and able to join McCain in a leading movement for reform. “We need to stop wasteful Washington spending, fight and win the war on terror, and stop the largest tax increase in history. That is truly the change the American people deserve — and that is a message on which we can succeed.”
Malkin finished by mocking the GOP with:
How much “change” did these feckless Beltway Republicans spend on the high-priced consultants who have turned them into Obama wannabes?
...and to include a jab with an old Saturday Night Live skit:
Saturday Night Live - First CityWide Change Bank 2Of the
Power Line Blog fame, their gripe was the GOP's brand-name and how damaged it is for public suckage:
As in all of these recent Republican defeats, analysts will be able to point to factors unique to the particular race. But my takeaway is that the Republican brand is in such bad shape that the Dems can win virtually anywhere if they nominate a candidate whose position on key issues is, or can be made to seem, close to that of the Republican.
Unfortunately for the GOP, arrogance and phrases like "Pride goeth before the fall" have no meaning in their life. They've been spitting on the Democrats and patronizing them long before this Bush Oil War and
$3.40, err...
$3.50, err... $3.79 a gallon gasoline prices.
Does anybody remember the
tax breaks the GOP gave to people who would go out and buy those monster sized gas-guzzling SUV's? And so they all ran out and bought the biggest SUV they could find and then they ran back and
called their CPA's to double-check and make sure they would get the write-offs they "desperately so deserved"... Sucks to be them today, huh?!
John Hawkins of Right Wing News fame threw out the entire GOP leadership, including der Führer; George W. Bush himself.
Let me add that it's too bad that the Republican leadership in the House may end up on the chopping block over these losses because from what I've seen, they're pretty much the only "Republican leaders" in DC who can find their own *sses with both hands. Yet, even when they do a good job, it seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the screw-ups of Bush / McCain / the Senate / the RNC, etc.
Nice one, huh? An ass-chewing with bad-language!
Did you notice nobody blamed the Bush Administration for sending
their worst possible leader down to Mississippi to campaign for the guy?
When the Republicans made the bizarre decision this week to send Vice President Dick Cheney into Mississippi to campaign for Davis, Childers objected to Davis inviting "Big Oil's best friend, Dick Cheney, to North

Mississippi" and linked Cheney's candidate to "the skyrocketing cost of gas."
Oddly, not one of them blamed themselves.